Bloody-Disgusting l Exclusive ‘Escape from Death Block 13’ Red Band Trailer Delivers Big Guns, Exploding Heads [Video]
Action-Flix l Robert Bronzi Goes to Prison in a Clip from ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13 - Now Available on VOD!
Shock Ya l Actor Robert Bronzi Fights For Survival in Escape from Death Block 13 Exclusive Clip
Movieweb l Escape from Death Block 13 Trailer Has Bronzi Busting Skulls and Busting Out
The Action Elite l He’s back! Robert Bronzi (Death Kiss) stars in the action-packed Escape from Death Block 13.
Word Balloon l John Siuntres - Anatomy of An Action Movie with Gary Jones
New World Pictures Podcast l Interview with SFX Artist/director Gary Jones (Evil Dead II/Mosquito/Escape from Death Block 13
Jamie Roxx's Pop Rock Radio l Interview with Gary Jones writer/producer/director - ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13
The Weekly Reid l Interview with Gary Jones writer/producer/director, Phil Garrett producer and Star Chris Hahn
Subculture Media l David Griffiths interview with Gary Jones - ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13
3 Geeks Network l A conversation with Gary Jones - ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13
So Wizard Podcast l Interview with Gary Jones - ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13
Cut To The Chase l Lacy Williams Interview with Gary Jones - ESCAPE FROM DEATH DEATH BLOCK 13
From The Shadows l Tim Lovelace talks - ESCAPE FROM DEATH BLOCK 13